about us

Consultation and periodic examinations and oral health education
With a history of 25 years of clinical experience in Iran and abroad
Use disposable and sterile equipment

Doctor Mowafagh Fooladgar

 Member of the official organization of the country's medical system

 Member of Iranian Dental Association

 Fifth rank in the comprehensive dental exam of the country in 1371

Cosmetic and surgical dentist, the most famous and reputable implant brands in America and Europe (Switzerland, Germany, France, Sweden and South Korea)

 Certified in Zimmer Implant Surgery, USA

 Certified in Horisons implant surgery in the United States

 Holds an Astra implant surgery certificate from Sweden

 Has 25 years of clinical treatment experience in Iran and abroad

Mr. Heshmati is one of the well-mannered patients who travels periodically from England to Iran for cosmetic dental treatments.

We are at their service and their honorable family ...